Friday, November 5, 2010

My week in review

FOOD ... must EAT!
Kendra, i'm really supporting you across the waves, lol. I have done a high protein diet since monday. it's a 5 day booster and then you eat a healthy balanced low-calorie diet.
I finished today :D I MADE IT!!!! Can't believe it ;)
I've lost 4.5 pounds this week but i'm worried that as soon as i start eating fruits and bread (thus breaking out of the cetose process - long story) that it will come right back on.
Also, Sunday some girls from work are coming over at 2 for a baby-shower (this is a first for them all - not done here)
So i'm making chocolate mousse, pound cake with fudge icing and pumpkin pie. I'll be serving the yummy sherbert punch my aunt nancy makes for showers.
And i absolutely CANNOT break down and pig out on that, right? but you all know me .... ugh!!!!
But i have been a little more active - trying to do yoga at least 3 times a week and walking the dog at least 3 times a week too.

OK - enough about my weight loss efforts. Now to my needles :D

First up, two of my favorite people in the whole wide world met up this past week to KNIT!!!! My DS Dianne, who is an excellent knitter and excellent teacher (patient, knowledgeable, passionate and enthousiastic) had knit night at her house and my BFF Kendra went over to chat and learn to knit!
I AM SO HAPPY they got together and that my bff is learning to knit!!!! :D

This week I started knitting a pair of gloves. The pattern is not written super well IMO - hard to understand wth you're supposed to do. Also it is much more complicated than anything i've ever tried. But, again, Kendra, i'm supporting you over here ;)
You're trying something new (knitting) so i'm upping the ante on my own knitting skills. I hope we both work through it and enjoy it instead of it kicking us in the rear ;)

I finished the shawl i was knitting for my marriage counselor as a thank you gift. It's a pattern i've already used : it's called skuld
I blogged about this pattern when i made it the first time but just a quick reminder : skuld is one of the norns - 3 sisters in norse mythology who spin the threads of life. Skuld's realm is the future. That's why i chose this pattern - our counsellor is helping us find the tools to create a secure and happy future for ourselves - whether that mean separation or staying together, changing or saming, whatever...just helping us see things in a different way and trying to show us that we have the tools to decide our fate.
I chose black because our future - and that of most of the couples she sees, i'm sure - is so uncertain and hard to discern. And also because the design of this one looks like the paths of our lives all coming together, crossing, separating, ending.
I picked a super soft, plump, squishy yarn - debbie bliss baby cashmerino. it is lovely! perfect stitch definition which makes the intricate paths created by the lace really pop. and it is luxurious - it has merino and cashmere in it.
I had originally intended yin and yang by swtc - a solid base for yin and the same yarn with a sequined thread plied together with it for yang. But in spite ordering it with plenty of time to spare, i still have not received it! :P
So i have hand-sewn sequins onto sections of the "paths" to represent the spark of hope Mme Belporte is bringing into the lives of those she meets.
I really hope she likes it and understands where it's coming from.
Here's a pic of it blocking folded in half.


Elle said...

What a wonderful gift that shawl will be for your counselor. You are very generous.
I love that you are having a baby shower for your french co-workers. What a hoot! They won't know what to think of it but maybe you'll start something new.
I'm glad you're coming home for the holidays, Nashville misses you!

sulkycat said...

gorgeous becca - in every way, the shawl is beautiful and the sentiment and thoughts behind it are too

keep on keeping on my friend x