Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Not much going on. Just a quick hello.
I have been trying to stay off puter so much and read my bible and pray a little more. Its going ok.
I have been extremely tired for some reason these days so havent done any yoga or moved more than a cm ...great :P
Knitting wise my brain doesnt want to work so i put my lace shawl aside 'brandywine) and cast on for another baby sweater - this time NO STRIPES! and THICK YARN! In other words, instant gratification knitting ; )
DH and I had a talk yesterday. It was a good talk. But I dont know what I think about it.
I am anxiously awaiting our counseling session - it was supposed to be june 3 but the lady called to reschedule (and that after we missed the original one because i had written down 4:15 and they had written down 3:15 : P.
The kids' school is starting to wind down.
But summer hasnt wound up yet...we've had some hot days where the kids jumped in pool and all but the next day would be ickey. Today it was gray, windy, and sprinkling all day;
I'd like to ask, if you have it in yuor heart, to keep a few people in mind / prayers - my bff (yes you ;) ) my sister still and a few other friends who are going through some very difficult times.


Kendra said...

And I will be praying for you! And anxiously waiting on your call/Skype on Sunday morning. Just let me know about what time to expect you.


Rebecca said...

i'm home all day so what time is best for you?

Kendra said...

I think I'll be painting all day! Fun! But, I will have the laptop up and the phone ready. I'm usually awake by 9 am our time.

Rebecca said...

ok - i'll call round 10