Friday, January 8, 2010

Knitting lingerie style and yummy yarn

I won two prizes in my favorite ravelry group this month :D
Thank you MA!
I received one prize for LTU -lose the u - u being unfinished in UFO or unfinished object). This was a book I have been wanting and that was on my amazon wish list - YEAH! It's knitting lingerie style. And you know what's really cool? I'm going to a knit class in August on proper fitting techniques for sweaters and knitwear. And the teacher is Joan McGowan Michael. A lot of the teacher names from the workshops I recognized but hers I wasn't familiar with. Weeeellllll, she's the author and designer of this book I've been wanting!
I also won a contest on MA by guessing a number for the 2nd anniversary prize extravaganza. This prize was two patterns and a lovely lovely lovely skein of yarn.

This is MMMMMalabrigo. it's 100% merino, worsted weight wool and it's sooooo soft. This is my fifth skein and man do I love it! This particular one is a color I wouldnt have chosen myself but that I absolutely love and am very glad some one chose for me cause I always tend to gravitate to the same color (purple, pink, purple, pink, glitter, purple, glitter, purple, pink... you get the idea). This will make something beautiful though I'm not sure what yet...
I feel like I've been bragging. Sorry. Hope I didnt annoy anyone or make anyone jealous. I'm jsut very excited :D!

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