Wednesday, July 1, 2009

You say it's your birthday

it's my birthday too!

remember that song?

Happy birthday my BFF! I am so so thankful for your friendship and I love you dearly!

So, I haven't been talking about my jogging lately so you may think it's fallen by the wayside. well, think again :)!
I just got in from session 2 of week 6. yeah! I am now running about 20 minutes 3 times a week :D. Of course to call it running would make most laugh but, well, that's ok ;) .
Last week I did a big big booboo. It was sales time, remember? And dh and I didn't find anything, remember? Well, the following day, I found a little shop that had beautiful linen clothes in wonderful colors and cuts. well, i went a little teeny weeny bit overboard. ahem ahem! I had finally managed to put some moo-lah into savings after USA trip and, well, let's just say, I no longer have any savings. So, that was last weeks running reward as well as this weeks', and the weeks' after, etc...etc... :P
Bad Becca!

One more week before Easy gets to come home :)

One sad piece of news. Remember my poor woman who passed away after gastric by-pass surgery? One of Eldoie's (the other nurse I work with) good friends works in the CCU where she passed away. She called Eldoie to tell her that the woman's husband is intubated and getting daily renal dialysis. He attempted to kill himself (O.D.). My God! Look at the ripples one pebble can make.


Kendra said...

I'm glad to see that you are still running. I am quite impressed! And a little jealous!

Thanks for the birthday wishes! Unfortunately, you reach a certain age where it is just another day. I think I'm at that age.

I have been slacking off on posting this week. I will try to catch up this weekend.

memeto12 said...

Look at the ripples 1 pebble can make, unfortunately how very true. any hope for him and what will happen to the kids??? happy 4th of july to you. love the puppy. love my grandkids, love you. mama

Kendra said...

WOW! Very pretty!