Monday, May 13, 2013

Me-Made May

Well, i've kept up my Me-Made May challenge BUT i sure havent kept up with documenting it or with the flickr group page :/  le sigh... guess that will have to be part of my challenge for next may lol.
Here is a link to some progress pics of my dress.  I'm still not done but i've been working quite hard on it every day i'm off.
 Sans titre
This is the last pic of progress i have but i have since joined the bodice front and back and as soon as i'm done with this post, i'm going the bodice to the skirt! YEAH! exciting!

I'm a little miffed though.  and my excitement is a little curtailed.
see, thign is i have always maintained that swatches lie. They do!  really!!!!  and i also believe that muslins lie. I BELIVE THIS FIRMLY lol!
My muslin had plenty of fabric left on the side seams when holding the unsewn side closed.  so why on earth is my fashion fabric running mega small???!!!!
i mean look, the proof is in the pudding.
how did this happen?  my seam allowance on right side is 1/4 of an inch! yikes! that"s cutting it close lol! and i have about that much lee way on the left where the qipper will be too.
nervous nervous nervous!
also there's a slight prob with my FBA.
the darts are still a little too close to the apex even though i shortened them considerably.  and the side bust darts could be a little deeper but man!  i dont think they would work any deeper.  and then i have a bag thing going on right between the breasts.  like i need a dart right up the middle lol.

well, this thing is FAAAAAR from perfect and i said i'd make a ton to drown out the hours spent on the muslins but...i wont!  this is the one and only freakin' macaron i will ever make! lol

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