How lame is that for a title.
Obviously no creative juices are flowing today :P
Just a few pics, a few lamentations, and some news.
I'm working on a baby sweater and I just finished the first sleeve. One sleeve, the hood, and loads and loads of weaving in ends and seaming and embroidery to do...Thought I was near done, but when I think of what's left ... :P
I'm working on a shawl I just started this week - it's soooooo pretty and soft and cuddly and such a bright pink it really makes me happy :D
And just cause it's cute (though she was cuter ten milliseconds before the pic snaped)
Lamentations...My God I just keep putting on weight. I can't stop eating and cause of my foot/heel/ankle pains I can't burn off the calories by running. I can't stop binging.
I feel very restless and high-strung and yet don't want to do anything at all besides sit on my butt and knit, surf ravelry, and listen to books or podcasts. I know this is all very unhealthy for me - i feel i need to fast (from food, technology, and knitting) but that would be taking every single pleasure out of my life. Yet by taking these trivial pleasures out of the forefront for a while, it would maybe let me refind more healthy normal pleasures and rebalance my life as i was talking about last time. Find time for God, kids, husband, taking care of myself.
I don't know if I can or want to give up all these things for a few weeks. I have a lot of projects I want to finish on the needles anyhow...
And for the news, well...I'll make you wait a little for it but it has to do with additions to the family...
What additions????
aha! piqued your curiosity huh? now i know you'll be back soon ;)
are you getting a new puppy?!?
oh drats! you didnt think i was pregnant with twins? lol!
we will soon have 4 chickens. DH built them a little coop and we should have 4 eggs a day. we each get one - remi and alex reserved a solid blakc, me a white, and christophe a red lol!
farmer becca _ hah!
Oh my! I never imagined you having chickens! Have I ever told you that I'm scared to death of chickens. My great-grandmother had them when I was little and they used to chase me around the yard.
I was scared you were pregnant again! Thanks for the scare!
lol! im scared ofhtem too actually -scared of pretty much all animals to tell the truth.
afraid they(ll peck at me or attack me. better get my nerves up ;)
i can see how you would be traumatized lol!
Rebecca, I hear you about spending too much time online. In fact, I'm online right now, during my lunch break at work.
But anyhow, don't stop blogging because I love reading your blog. The shawl is beautiful. I've been craving that color of pink myself. Very pretty and cheery.
i want some chickens too. i have a magazine that has a whole article in it about keeping chickens in urban neighborhoods!
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