havent posted in a while so i'm just throwing stuff out there.
easy's 3.5 months old now and is crazy
rémi's 11 as of last week and is dreading going to school. he is such a bright boy but has had some crappy teachers over the last two years and has decided he hates school. great :/
i hope with middle school starting this year, he'll change his mind. i think it will be good for him. there's a BIG library (by southern pdouck french standards) in the school! the school libraries in the three schools he's been to thus far were one or two book shelves of kids' books or comics and a 30 year old dictionary and grammar book :(. so he was very excited about that last spring when he got to visit the school with his class. and also, as i was talking to his teacher once again about the different relational problems he has, she reassured me that kids in middle school (and i do remember this to be true) have "clicks" so he'll find a group of boys with like interests and they'll talk in the school yard and all will be fine in the world. at least that's what i'm hoping. remi is a very very sensitive boy and very non violent too (though his face clouds over in a right storm when he's angry or hurt and you'd think he was oing to turn into the hulk!) so the other boys, even though remi is very very outgoing chatty and witty, just dont really mech with him. he stands out. andhe feels this ostracization and it hurts him. so then he gets all show offy and braggish which makes them even more put off by him. i'm really hoping his teacher was right and that things will pan out for him. i hate that he hurts.
alex is 9 as of last week. she cant wait to go back to school. she and her friend julie put on a show for us last week. so cute and funny! first a runway then a gymnastics routine then a dance then singing. they worked very hard on it all day while i was at work. alex wants to be a star when she grows up. she wants to take singing lessons this year. hope we can find some classes somewhere near. we'll see.
i had lost my jogging mojo for aboug a week in a half. i missed one session on one week and two sessions onthe following i believe. so yesterday i decided come hell or highwater i was going to get out there and just do it. i DID IT! i got my jogging mojo back! :-) i jogged my thirty minutes yesterday and this morning. before i lost said mojo, i had done a jog where i ran 28 minutes or so, stopped and chatted with a friend for a while and then continued for a grand total of 48 minutes! i was right proud of myself on that one ;) !
still hating my job. one more weekend and then i'm off for three weeks! YEAH! we're supposed to go to the mountains but id really rather stay here. christophe makes us do these absolutely ridiculous hikes - about 7 hours in the french alpes! My God, you cant even stand up anymore in the evening and then the next day, you're at it again! i like to hike but come on! give it a break! remi hates hiking now because of dh's slave-driving manics. and i think alex isnt far off from rebelling either. but dh just gets mad and calls us lazy when we protest. grrrr... which is why i'm hoping dh has to harvest and we dont get to go. isnt that terribly ungrateful to be able to leave on vacation and not want to? some people would jump at the occasion and i'm wallering in a pity party. sorry. anyhow, it's all wishful thinking cause even if he does have to harvest, he's thinking we'll go anyway and the guy who has harvested for him the past 15 years will do it on his own this year. whatever.
i'm also looking into going to london from friday afternoon sept 11 to sunday afternoon sept 13 with the kids as there's a knitting thing going on there.
more on that if i decide to go.
and the following day, monday 13, is my entry exam for pediatric nursing school. the nursing school exams are set up like this:
1. written exam. if you pass, you go on to
2. oral exam. here only the highest noted applmicants are accepted. if ten poeple get say 17/ 20 and there are only 5 places left since all the other spots were taken by the 18/ 20 and ups, then they'll look at your written exam grade and those five with the higher written exam grade will get in. other than that, you're written grade doesnt count so long as you pass.
i havent studied and in fact have decided i cant be bothered with it. id rather knit. so i thnk im kind of shooting myself in the foot. and does this also mean that maybe my motivation isnt high enough? in which case that will surely show in the oral exam. and does it also mean that by the off chance i do get selected that i won't have the gumption to study? i do believe that if it's meant to be, it will be.
finally, id like to mention an online firend of mine. Hope and her husband have been hoping for a child for so long. i love reading her blog where her faith comes through so strong and where i can see how great her love for little ones is in her daily life (she always has someone's kid(s) around - nephew/niece, friends' kids, etc... and i can tell that she is quite an influence for them and i believe a true example of Godly strength and courage and trust and love for these little ones. Well, her greatest prayer has been answered. Hope and Scott are waiting for their son Isaac to be born. The biological mother, Rebecca, has about 50 days left before giving birth. Hope will get to be there i believe. Rebecca is a blessing to them as much as they are a blessing to her I believe.
For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope (jeremiah 29:11)
anyway you can read all about their journey by clicking on Hope in my righthand sidebar under my favorite blogs. if you are so inclined and have enough financial peace to do so without harm to yourself, hope has a "bringing baby isaac home" fundraiser icon.
i've rambled quite a while so with this, i'm signing off.
missing you all! hugs!
i so love it when you update your blog. feels like you're sitting here just talking to me. it's great to hear about your daily going ons an such. don't worry about school, etc. as you pointed out, if it's meant to be it will be. doesn't mean you shouldn't be prepared but does mean that things will even out in the end. hiking vacation, well, point out to him that all day treks are just a little to much for kids. love you, mama
ditto "mama"
I look forward to Becca's updated blogs. Darn, I check almost every day. I am so glad that we all discovered such a great way of keeping in touch.
I'm SO jealous about the London trip. That is one of the places that I want to visit! Take lots of pictures. Maybe I can photoshop myself into them! lol
actually we decided against it cause they're talking about sxine flu like crazy here. saying they predict a real endemic in september... there will be other craft shows.
I'm such a lazy bum, here you are, working full time, 2 kids, jogging, and still you have time to update your blog and I am, what, 3 months behind??? Anyway, I'm glad you're hanging in there and hope you'll enjoy your vacation after all. Maybe with all the jogging the hiking won't feel as bad? What kind of harvesting does he do btw?
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