Wednesday, February 13, 2008

hello hello

Just a quickie since I promised to post every time I'm off. I alrready broke that promise last Thursday and Friday but 1 out of 2 ain't bad!
So, updates. New awesome pics
Ok so those aren't the ones. But still cute! Allison sent me a great picture of all four kids together but I can't seem to find it. I'll get it up next post.

Another update, Heather is closing on a house. It's beautiful - take a look:
And for us, we're all doing fine. Going to the mountains next week so I don't know when I'll post again. Thinking of you all! Have a great week!


Nicci said...

I was wondering where everyone went! You and Kendra have been MIA.

Rebecca said...

LOL - mia = mommy in action