Monday, October 29, 2007

Can you believe it?

Yeah! I did it! Ok, so no pretty pics, cool links, philosophical meanderings, or eloquent reflections. I'll get Christophe to help me work on the pics and links thing but don't expect much else. I'm not a gifted writer or thinker (my brain seems to lose its steam after, oh 2 minutes or so of intensive concentration). I'm not very quirky or original. But, hey, you're forewarned.
So! Why did I start a blog? Dianne started one earlier this year and I just loved being able to see what she and her family are up to even though we're so far apart. I still prefer my hour long phone calls to all my sisses but this medium is quite special and irresistable. I'm hoping I'll be able to bring my family "home" in much the same way.
Why WIP? That's Di's fault again. She got me addicted to fine yarns and neat projects last time I was home. Like I need yet another addiction! (coke - not the white kind!, chocolate, lush bath products, makeup, food in general, spending in general... oh well!) And while looking around on the web at different patterns and things I came across the term WIP (work in progress). Though that's not enough. I feel I'm really changing and maturing lately (emtionally and spiritually) and during my last Bible study with Linda, it just became an evidence that I too am a WIP!
Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

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