Thursday, August 6, 2009


Too much going ono to take the time to blog and especially since i'd like to blog about it, which would take forever so i keep putting it off. so, i'll try to do a big quick resume.

Alex is away at scout camp. She want to this beautiful area in the foot of the mountains and they're staying in tents on the grounds of this beautiful castle. I have pics I'll post next time. I'm so excited for her and she's so excited to be there! I hope she has a ball and builds lasting friendships and memories out of this experience. They have a Harry Potter theme for the camp.

Remi is just messing around here. He plays with his neighborhood friends every once in a while and plays game boy a lot. We did a dictée (they do those a lot here in france - the teacher reads a text out loud and everyone has to copy it. it is then graded for spelling, penmanship, and grammar). But this dictée was in english! he was motivated to do so because i let him pick the text - it was yu-gi-ho story stuff. i've never seen him so motivated to write and i was absolutely AMAZED at how well he did!!!! He has a little trouble with a few letter sounds (de instead of the, dere instead of there, ere instead of here, erd instead of earth) and then made a few mistakes that honestly a lot of english speaking adults make too (confusing its and it's...) He really did great!

Easy bit the vet and i got a very long lecture out of it. we apparently are as bad of doggy parents as we are kid parents. great! >:-/

Christophe...well, he's being ... christophe

and as for me. hmmm... still jogging - been at my 30 minutes 3 times a week final goal for three weeks. Now I'm trying to push the distance farther within my 30 minute jog. hate hate hating my job!!!!! feeling restless, busy, and just ready for some kind of break.

Hope you are all well. would love to hear from you :)

1 comment:

memeto12 said...

when you tell alex how cute her haircut is, please don't tell her that she looks kinda like me in my youth. she'll probably want to slit her wrists. love mama