Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Ten on Tuesday : down time

Carole chose for today's 10 on tuesday is 10 Favorite Things To Do When You're Alone
Well how appropriate as my kids arent with me these days
they're visiting family in USA.
They are ahving a GREAT TIME!
i am soooo happy for them, soooooooo proud of them (they flew by themselves and amde a connection in amsterdam all by themselves and they havent been fighting and alex is using her english and they're doing their summer workbooks!) and sooooooo thankful to my family for allowing them to stay with them and entertaining them <3 p="">So while my dh is here (and he drives me nuts, he CANNOT sit still!!!) i do have a little more down time.  and i am truly enjoying it doing the following things without (or at least with less) guilt
I had all kinds of nice pics to add in but my flickr pics wont work :/ is it just me?
  1. knitting
  2. spinning
  3. lollying around on ravelry, chatting and pattern stalking and stuff
  4. vegging out doing absolutely nothing
  5. listening to my ipod to my heart's content
  6. walking the doggies
  7. making long to-do lists (that include both fun things and everyday cleaning things and detailed cleaning things since kids bathroom and bedrooms are free) and getting that awesome feeling to check check check things off :D.  i started implementing this at work (in the office part of my job) yesterday and it is working super well for me :D
  8. sticking my feet in the pool to cool off. i do not do this ever when kids are here because remi gets the whole darn pool going like it were a wave pool or something! he's crazy in that pool!
  9. taking naps
  10. fondling my yarn stash and perusing the colors and textures of it
aaaaaahhhhh! relaxation!


Donna said...

I love to wander around on Ravelry too when I'm alone. There's so much to see!

Beverly said...

Enjoy your free time! I love checking off from lists, too!