Saturday, August 27, 2011

Episode 8 : SOMEbody's grumpy

Episode 8


Tiddy and Charlie. said...

Great podcast! I particularly loved the interruptions :o) It made me feel like I was really there with you. Cant wait till the next one! c x

Rebecca said...

"I particularly loved the interruptions :o) "

really? lol! well that's a relief ;)
i really wishi could be there chatting with friends. that's what i envisioned for the podcast but unfortunately it's not really like that (will be better if i can do the fiber friendsy segment one day)
but i'm glad you were able to feel like "I was really there with you"

Unknown said...

I so love your podcast! Please don't stop!!!

TopHat said...

I'm glad you came back! I was wondering about you!

Rebekkah said...

Thanks for the recommendation for the audio book of The Color Purple. I have an Audible credit waiting to be used, and I might use it on that. I usually prefer my audiobooks to be non-fiction, but I think this is the kind of fiction novel that will work well for me in audio.

Keep up the podcasts!