Irritated i'm a week behind in the alphabet. not like it matters because i can no longer make my posts link up to the accidental knitters alphabet page anyway so i'm just doingit on my own.
But really i'm irritated because icant manage to get an episode of my podcast out. i recorded 6 times! and EVERY SINGLE TIME something happened to the recording. how many different ways can a recording get lost/ messed up/ unknowingly not recorded, unknowingly unrecorded...
And to top it all of, now my iPod totally gave up the ghost. I cant even listen to my audiobooks or other podcasts! And the cherry on the cake, our internet went out! i'm taking a few minutes at work :"/ to update :P !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel your pain :( Hope all these troubles will be resolved soon!
To think, a few years ago, we were used to dial-up, and things going wrong was all an accepted part of the internet. Now I can't go a day without being connected, and cant cope with things being less than instant!lol
lol! how right you are caroline!!!
thanks isabelle :P
Oh man, I feel for you! I would be hard-pressed to make it through a work day without my iPod. :( Here's hoping that things will settle down and act right from here on out for you!
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