Wednesday, May 18, 2011

WW week 6 out - bring on week 7 :D

7 weeks in and i'm still sticking to it! crazy for me! yeah me!!! wootwootwoot!!!!!!!!
i'm not losing as fast as many on weight watchers online but that's ok. i am losing fairly steadily. I'm eating better and getting more exercise. My clothes are fitting better, and i feel more confident. Things are easing up with DH as my pants ease up.
I'm going to "treat" myself to the couch to 5 k challenge (remember when i did this successfully a couple years back?) when i hit my -5% mark which should be with next week's weigh-in. I have feet troubles and dont want to put extra strain on them so getting down to 5% less should be alittle easier on the tootsies.
I've found a couple of online weight watcher friends too and they are so great about motivating me and vice versa i hope.


Jersey Shore Deb said...

Good for you! Keep it up!

Rebecca said...

thanks :D

ChelleC said...

Congrats on the WW~!! I am on that too. I am losely slowly. Very slowly. But I like the plan, especially being able to eat fruit and veggies for "free."

So glad to hear you are loving it - and already reaching your 5% is great. I don't think I'm there yet. Is it 5% of your total weight or 5% toward your goal? Can't remember

Rebecca said...

5 % of your starting weight shed
when did you start? are you going to a meeting or doing it onlinelike me?
good luck!

ChelleC said...

I'm going to a meeting. I'm losing very slowly - like 1/2 lb week and some weeks stay the same. Wah!!!!

ChelleC said...

I've been doing it 16 weeks.

Rebecca said...

yeh, me too.
but hey! 16 weeks down the road you are maybe about 7 pounds lighter or so? that's awesome! think of if you hadnt stuck with it! wtg