Papa Noël came early this year. He knew Rémi and Alex weren't going to be here for Christmas ;)
Rémi got a big boy's bike (he had been using my old peice of crap from college as his bike was too small). Christophe wanted him to be able to ride around this weekend before leaving so we decided to go ahead and put the presents out.
We woke the kids up this morning with petit papa noël blaring on the computer speakers.
They were so excited especially because it was unexpected. They got everything they had put on their wish list. Papa Noël from maman and papa and from Mamie and from Tonton was very generous this year (and also they were very reasonable).
Rémi got his bike and a transformer (i think it was megatron )
Alex got a lot of little things - a doll, a head to make-up and style, books, a dentist play-do set.
Christophe made crepes which is one of their favorite breakfasts.
Here are some pics :D
mmmmm, crepes. Brings back very fond memories. Does he just sprinkle them with sugar? I'm getting homesick now. Sounds like Papa Noel early was a huge success. Glad they liked all their presents. Have you started your countdown?
oh yeh!
wlex started the count down 2 weeks ago lol!
they usually put nutella on their crepes but dh always likes confiture on his.
i like buter and sugar on mine.
the salty ones are pretty darn good too
fond memories? just go whip yourself some up!
btw do you think you can join us for the chatanooga choo-choo?
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