Saturday, July 31, 2010

Un après-midi sympa

Today I went to Montpellier with Rémi. We had a great time and met up with two ravelry friends, Maud et Karine, who showed me 2 new wool stores - one of them i REALLY REALLY liked.
Unfortunately I spent a ridiculous amount of money and even worse i think, increased my stash by a ton! My stash is already overwhelming me and making me feel anxious :-P !
But it was sale-time at Phildar and they had some great deals!!!! I purchased enough yarn for 3 adult sweaters and 2 baby sweaters for 64 euros - that is quite a steal!!!
I then purchased yarn for another baby sweater at the first of the two yarn stores my friends showed me. Gorgeous rowan stuff :D
And then at the 2nd of the 2 unknown stores i FINALLY found the yarn i was lookng for. I wanted to start a new sweater that my friend Julia got me the pattern for. It's called Snow White by Ysolda Teague. But i didnt have any yarn for it. I thought I did! I was planning on using one in my stash and was sure it was the right weight but on closer inspection, it wasn't. SW calls for aran and i dont have much aran weight, definitely not enough in the same color to make a sweater out of. i dont particularly like yarn that thick. And to tell the truth I'm a little afraid it's going to make me look like a cow :P !
But, anyhow, i wanted to start this sweater because i have to have a swatch for the UK knit-camp in Scotland (only 2 weeks away!!!!!!!) and thought, hmmmm... might as well swatch for a sweater right? and the yarn i wanted to use for SW being a very light lavendar, it seemed just right for the class swatch . but voilà, the yarn wasnt right for the sweater OR for the swatch, which is to be in aran as well! SO..... I was on a mission. Had given up as none of hte yarn i could find was in the right weight. And then...I found it!!!!!! Debbie Bliss Cashmerino aran in petrol :D
I purchased enough + 1 just in case and also purchased one ball of the same in cream to do my class/sweater swatches. YEAH!
So guess what I'll CO soon ;)
I spent more on this one sweaters yarn however, than on all the phildar yarn put together ... i better like it!

As for last post's cryptic message, I didnt mean to frighten. I am just really having probs with DH right now and that, along with questions about my job, my life, my parenting, my purpose in life, and all the other probs already going on in my marriage ... well, I just needed prayers and it's too much to go in to. Thank you all who did think of me.
I love and appreciate you.

Sorry about that flicker thing in the middle of my page. don't know how to get rid of it :P


Kendra said...

I'm still reading your posts. And trying my best to keep up with what is going on. I will be around tomorrow morning if you want to talk. Just let me know. I have the boys, but I figure we will be sitting around doing......well......nothing.

Momglouglou said...

Moi aussi j'ai vraiment passé une excellente après-midi à faire le tour des magasins de laine, et j'ai aussi dépensé plus que prévu...
Maintenat il n'y a plus qu'à mettre un turbo aux aiguilles pour écouler tout ça!

ChelleC said...

My prayers will continue to be with you, dear. I will pray that you will be lead in the direction that is best for all concerned, and that the lines of love and communication will help dissolve conflicts and that you'll both be receptive to hearing into the other's heart. Hugs.

caracolina said...

Thinking about you lots... hoping things will turn around for you soon.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Baby. It's your daddy.

Hope all is well with you and the family. Birthdays today and tomorrow. Give them a hug and tell them "Poppie Mark" loves them and also that I am terrible with birthdays. Call me sometime. Super busy. Love, Dad