I have a "body double" in ravelry. This is someone who's measurements are very similar to mine. We can throw ideas off each other and compare how certain garments fit our body type that way. I haven't had too much convo with RobinM but i have been "spying" on her ;-)
I've been keeping up with her blog in fact where she shows some of the beautiful clothes she sews for herself and her loved ones. She's very talented and quite prolific. And on top of that she's always got great ideas that she has often copied from someone else she's spied on ;-). And now I'm going to copy her :D
So one thing she mentioned was how another blogger blogged about her vacation. I'm on vacation and I'm going to blog all about mine :D
Yesterday after I got in from work I felt absolute instantaneous relief and relaxation. It helped that the kids had been left by DH at my MIL's house that afternoon. And the vacation started great with my new swift/winder (see yesterday's post)
DH invited me "out to eat". He grilled out lamb chops and we had caramelized zuccini with it. He also served me a scoop of mint choc chip ice cream. Very nice :D. I then helped him with some sawing he had to do (my help was to stand on the planks so they wouldn't fall or crack apart ffrom the weight hehehe) And after that gruelling work, I knit some on my fuschia cloud.
After a nice shower I made a list that I'll talk about another time (again, i'm copying off of Robin who copied off another blogger)
Today started a little badly - big fight and lots of hurt feelings. But we talked it out a little later. Still hurt feelings and lack of accord but white flag was put back in the air. We spent the whole morning cleaning house - really cleaning - it's been a while and it needed it. It feels GREAT to have a nice clean house. Though my desk and craft area are still dishevelled. That's for another day.
After housecleaning i had a cool shower as i was burning up and then slapped on a face mask (thank you Julia, sulkycat :D).
Then we went to Béziers after lunch to get camping things for me. We're all camping out Wed night but it was in the air as to whether i tag along or not because of my stupid heel spur. I decided to try so we had to get sleeping bag, windbreaker, and backpack for me. Everyone else was geared up earlier in the week. DH plans on taking the kids hiking and camping while i'm in scotalnd in august and this is a test run. A test run, too for the chemin de compostelle. More on that later too.
While out, I got 3 pairs of scissors and a spool of black and of white thread and some tailor's chalk to start working on my building up my sewing kit. Now, I have GOT to stop buying things for a while! YIKES!
And I also got my self another of my fave pairs of shoes in black :D on sale :D :D! Promise a future post on that too.
After getting home, I called my BFF.
Then I spun (today is day one of the tour de fleece). I'm trying to spin a three ply sock yarn in a colorway i call Carrignan.
And I worked a little more on fuschia cloud. I should be able to finish it tomorrow or maybe monday.
We went "out to eat" again - meaning i had nothing to do. You see I ha told DH we could go out to eat since kids were at mamie's house and this was his compliance ;-)
Today, same meal as yesterday except replace lamb chops with T-bone - cooked very rare. Yum! I'm definitely not a vegetarian ;-P.
And now I'm going to shower again and hit the hay.
Night night.
coucou je suis enfin venue sur ton site mais je ne suis pas encore au point !!!!!!!bises fabienne
bienvenue quand meme
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