Sunday, May 5, 2013

MMM 2013 Days 2,4,5

On May 2, I cut out and basted together the skirt pîeces for Macaron.
MMM 13 day 2
On May 3, i worked from 7:30 to 19:40 so i didn't do anything sewing wise.

May 4 and 5 i was supposed to work all day but because i'm working 2 nights this coming up week, i was able to switch them out and had this weekend off afterall.  I went to a "tricothé" in montpellier saturday so i didnt get much done sewing wise however i did continue reading in Gertie's book.  I'm really learnign A LOT from that book!

Today, May 4, i sewed the pockets and two of the four front pleats on the skirt;  That doesnt seem like much but im slow and it was a tad fiddly so it took me the afternoon.  I might try to go in my sewing corner again this evening and finish all the skirt pleats and sew up the one side.

During the week i did manage to wear 3 handmade items already, too so so far i'm 100% on my goal :D

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