I started this in JANUARY for crying out loud. but it got put to the side for a long time cause i couldnt figure out where i was in the pattern.
i finally pulled it back out when i was on vacation and figured it out and made darn good progress till i got to the hood, flowers and weaving in ends. i felt like i had as much work left on it as i did at the beginning of the month which is not true. so last week cause hood was driving me nuts i sat down in a tea salon with fabienne (a friend i met through rémi as she is a mother of one of his friends) and weaved in all the ends. that felt like an accomplishment. then i attacked the flowers and have nearly finished those. but the hood??? driving me nuts!
so here's the back before seaming so you can get an idea
and now i'm trying to decide on buttons. which do you think? all three rappelle the cable motif on the back but the ones i specially ordered for it, hand made by a man who makes his living in metal work seem too bright of a silver against the coat (the color is closer to the top pic than to this one) so i got these other cheapo buttons (they're plastic or something as light as plastic anyhow) what do you think?
Clearly, this was not addressed to me. But, if I get a vote on the buttons......I like the one on the left side of the picture. lol
becca, you have more that enough votes to figure this out. the one on the left is the one most people favor. do u not like this one? if you don't like that one, go with what you like the best. it's your sweater, no one else has to be happy with it but YOU! hope all is as well as it can be. love ya, mama
yes it was! i value and wanted your opinion!
Hi Rebecca, Your Sylvi looks gorgeous! What a fantastic colour and I'm sure, having got this far, you will finish it. All of the buttons are nice in their own way. See, I'm hopeless at choices but I'll bet you know in your gut which one you like best. Things have been so hectic here that I haven't had a chance yet to catch up with MA but I'm pleased your prize arrived. Enjoy! :-)
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